carnaby street

Sacred Cafe



Sacred Cafe on Carnaby Street & Ganton, right here, is the coffee shop where I had my first cappuccino. I did not like my cappuccino. But I don’t think I would like any other cappuccino either. I think I am more of an espresso/coffee black/whiskey neat type of person. But I enjoyed my time at the Sacred Cafe. It is a very nice cafe with a dark, rich mahogany styled interior (not that I know a thing about interior design), giving off a warm and inviting vibe. A perfectly welcoming cafe in contrast to the rather chilly London gloom.  There is a lower level lounge as well, where a business meeting was taking place, and others lounged, meeting with friends. Despite the cold, uninviting weather, I sat out in the patio area, got some fresh air, and stirred my cappuccino. I do have an obsession with patio seating.

I definitely liked this cafe. In retrospect, I wish I would have sat inside because it seemed cozy, and I could have probably made a friend or two. I was the only person odd enough to sit outside in the cold. But that’s typical me.


